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The Gutter Mkii [Hot]
Ship ident
Krait Mk II
Heavy Fighter

The GUTTER II is a versatile medium-sized spacecraft that has been outfitted with a formidable arsenal of weapons and advanced Guardian technology.

The star of this custom-built Krait MK2 is its weapon loadout, featuring a devastating combination of corrosive, incendiary, and generally enhanced multicannons. The corrosive multicannons are capable of melting through enemy ship hulls with their corrosive rounds, while the incendiary multicannons deal additional fire damage, igniting enemies in flames. They provide reliable firepower for sustained engagements.

It also boasts a super penetrator railgun, capable of punching through even the toughest ship armor with its high-velocity rounds, and a feedback cascade railgun, which disrupts enemy ship shields and prevents them from recharging.

Adding to its impressive arsenal, the GUTTER II is equipped with cutting-edge Guardian technology, including Guardian modules for enhanced power distribution and increased resistance to damage, as well as Guardian shield boosters for added protection.

With this fearsome loadout, the GUTTER II is a force to be reckoned with in any combat scenario.

Owing to regretable circumstances, the original GUTTER I was microwaved in the jet-cone of a white dwarf. Rescuers stated the pilot was "medium rare, very tasty."
The ship loadout is unknown.