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Ship details

USS Defiant
Ship ident
Viper Mk IV
Data delivery/surface mining

USS DEFIANT, originally designed as a cargo ship, she was secretly mascarading in that role,

She was eventually classified a fighter ship, Commanded by cpt Benjamin Sisko, in order to fight a dangerous race from the gamma quadrant who are determined to take over the entire galaxy and further, she had been destroyed and another was constructed in order to fight this species once again.

Later she was used to secure mining resorce sites as help to prevent ships being pirated, and now she is used in a roll more suited to delivering system information to stations within populated space.

She now sits, on active duty, still, fully capable of combat, but her new role as a data mission ship, commanded by commander shuggie, she has begun her new missions.

She is handling that role with ease, due to her recent modifications and with her new engineered fsd, with the addition of her new guardian fsd boost and other engineered modules her new range is over 40+ ly.
The ship loadout is unknown.