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Ship details

USS Voyager
Ship ident
Asp Explorer

since the days of the old N.A.S.A. there have been several vessles to bear the name voyager, the first space craft was a set of 2 probes, sent out initially to scan the inner planets of the SOL system, and then the space shuttle was also named voyager,

in most recent times, the united federation of planets, under the name of starfleet command had a starship of great technological advances, such as bio neumatic gel packs which could react as fast as the human brain for sertain tasks,

the most recent was commanded by captain janeway who inadvertantly, had been pulled into the delta quadrant by a care taker array, captain janeway, mannaged to navigate her way back home and that class of voyager is now on earth landed and sits as a musium and monument to the vast amount of data starfleet has on a lot of new races and civilisations from the delta quadrant to the alpha quadrant, the newest version, commanded by commander shuggie, has far more technology and can travel faster, further, and collect far more information due to the advances from captain janeways exploration.
The ship loadout is unknown.