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USS Enterprise
Ship ident
the flagship of the federation and united federation of planets

there have been several vessles to bear the name enterprise,

from sea fairing voyaging descovery ships, to shuttles and starships, the space vessles thus far, have been one of N.A.S.A. space shuttles, and the enterprise NX under captain archer, then after the formation of the united federation of planets, initially formed by captain archer, the USS ENTERPRISE 1701 was built and had initially been commanded by captain pike until captain kirk took command

this was an era of seeking out new life and new civilisations, and going boldly where no man had ever been, after a few other newer advanced models, captain piccard commanded the enterprise D which had encountered the borg and led to further advancements in preporation for an all out borg attack,

the enterprise X, is very capable in fighting and defeating the borg, although faster ships are a better combat decision as they can manouver a lot better in combat,

the enterprise x, under commander shuggie, is more used and very effective against the dominion, the jem'h'dar, and the cardassians, as well as protecting and even keeping and eye on anyone in need of assistance, her role is to serve and protect the galaxy as the flagship of the federation.
The ship loadout is unknown.