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USS Yamato
Ship ident
Federal Corvette
diplomatic passenger ship


is the sister ship of the USS ENTERPRISE, her role, is basically the same, although, her role is more of a diplomatic passenger ship for transporting ambassadors to and from federation negotiations

there had been another ship doing the same job, the USS ODYSSEY, but this had been destroyed in a sever attack from a formidable race in the gamma quadrant called the jem'h'dar who were only created genetically for one purpose, to defend the founders who are also known as the dominion, these protectors are sworn to live and die for one purpose only, to protect the founders

the jem'h'dar, had been ordered by the founders to attack and destroy the yamato to test the federation threat, as the dominion have only one purpose, to make all worship them as gods

the yamato was destroyed and so cause a war that still continues to be a very hostile and very real threat to the safety of all races in the entire galaxy
The ship loadout is unknown.