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USS Pathfinder
Ship ident
Imperial Cutter
trade and exploration


in the days of N.A.S.A the amount of telescopes and probes that had left earth to explore the solar system, were vast, pathfinder was one of several probes that were sent to survey the planets of the SOL system and led the way to several others and better, bigger craft and ships

In this, the sister ship of the USS VOYAGER, althogh a great deal larger than voyager for trade reasons, she has the ability to transport over 700 ton of cargo and hold diplomatic trade meetings and can explore all trade routes like the uss voyager,

her initial role was for diplomatic trade agreements and was the staging point for an as yet unkwon higher federation order that is very classified and has very little information other than the fact they are in negotiations with several other races in the attempt to build a ship that can defeat the borg,

the uss pathfinder can be used for the highest quality negotiations or trade agreements and transport of goods in a variaty of ways
The ship loadout is unknown.