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Low Orbit Ion Cannon
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Presumably the hottest object in the known universe.

Terciopelo (Bothrops asper) c/n "Fer-de-Lance" is a species of pit viper occurring at low to moderate elevations in northeast Mexico and Central America, and into South America where it is known from elevations up to 2600 meters in the Colombian and Ecuadorian Andes, as well as Venezuela and Trinidad on the Caribbean coast. With a mass of up to 6 kilograms (13 lb) and a maximal length of 2.5 metres (8.2 ft), terciopelo is among the largest pit vipers. It is light to dark brown in color, often with yellow zig-zag-shaped lines on each side of the body. Dubbed "the ultimate pit-viper" for its large size, fangs and venom yield, it has a fearsome reputation, responsible for the most snakebites within its range because of its defensive temperament and proximity to human residence. However, in common with other venomous snakes, it avoids confrontation with humans whenever possible. No subspecies are currently recognized.
The ship loadout is unknown.