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[AXI] Steelix
Ship ident
Federal Corvette
Combat - Player VS Thargoids

The flagship of the Sev fleet, this Corvette is built to trade blow-for-blow against the Thargoids. Through out the months of August and September 3308, I worked tirelessly to unlock, purchase, outfit, and engineer this ship with a shielded build that can shrug off their attacks before dispatching them with her own immense firepower.

While Steelix was not quite complete at the time, she began her career of Thargoid combat in early October 3308, achieving her first solo Cyclops kills on October 2nd. Over time, I continued to kill Cyclops, one after the other, to learn strategies and hone my skills as a pilot. On October 31st, she would become fully engineered, just a little over two months since purchase.
The ship loadout is unknown.