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Ship details

Mirai No Koe
Ship ident
Type-7 Transporter

Dedicated to the loving memory of the npc commander Hatsune Miku, that tragically lost her life on May 23rd, 3303 at the hand of pirates.

As the Nehet Daily later recounted:

" She was mining in a Type-7, when suddently she was attacked by a wing of an elite Python and a Deadly Anaconda; CMDR EL3NDIL plunged into the firefight at top speed, and in a drawn-out battle he managed to take out the Python: as luck would have it however, the scoundrel managed to breach her ship's canopy just before detonating;
Left with 5 minutes of oxygen, CMDR EL3NDIL decided to stay and buy time for cmdr Miku to escape while he was drawing the Anaconda's fire. Despite her efforts however, she was not able to win: in a desperate final attempt, as her oxygen was about to deplete, she ejected and slammed her Vulture into the enemy ship; She was quickly rescued by the System authority and brought to safety, but further investigations into the incident revealed that she could not remember the identities of the two criminals or whether cmdr Miku managed to excape. All data and bounties stored on the ship was lost in the explosion, as well as the record of the radar contacts.
The case was archived soon after, and to this day we have no clue as to the identity of the pirate.
Nehet Patron's Principles later testified that they had long lost contact with cmdr Miku, and she was officially declared missing."

Ever since that day, CMDR EL3NDIL swore to forever endevour to protect waifus throughout the galaxy, regardless of her own safety.
The ship loadout is unknown.