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AMF Tartarus
Ship ident
Light Cruiser


"What better name for the last stop of the vilest of the vile? If human souls are physically weightless, then this ship is a bottomless pit of wicked souls."

[Astoni Merchant Fleet "Tartarus"]

The AMF Tartarus started as a bulk carrier that shipped commodities from system to system. Occassionally under the threat of piracy during its earliest days of service, arming the ship was not needed as it was capable of escaping interdictions. Once it entered service under Aisling Duval's imperial branch, a major overhaul in design philosophy was applied, which would improve its internal modules to sustain newly-retrofitted armaments.

As time went on, more conflict zones and incursions cultivated in Aisling Duval's territories, usually making freighters targeted by either rival factions or pirates, resulting in its transformation into a combat-ready vessel. By the time the Terminus line was introduced, the Tartarus was already evolving into a warship, eventually being succeeded by the Pandemonium when the AMF went back to its Federation roots.

Despite the existence of its successor, the Tartarus retains its role in the fleet as a defensive asset against seasoned enemies.
The ship loadout is unknown.