View fleet

Ship details

AMF Onryō (怨霊)
Ship ident
Covert Freighter (Bulk Carrier)


[Trade Routes]

Route A - time unspecified
Route B - time unspecified
Route C - time unspecified

Route D:
- Phase 1 = 5 mins
- Phase 2 = 9 mins (b; 2200-3200)
- Total Time: 14 mins; manual docking (bound to increase by 2-3 mins with SDC; 4-5 w/ interdictions)
- Aph = Cb^4

Route E - time unspecified
Route F - time unspecified

Route G
- Phase 1 = 5 mins (a; 1200-1400)
- Phase 2 = 4 mins (b; 1700-1900)
- Total Time: 9 mins; manual docking (bound to increase by 1-2 mins with SDC; 4-5 w/ interdictions)
- Ahp = (Ca + Cb)^7

Route H
- Phase 1 = 4:30 mins; 3:24 mins w/ beacon (a; 2500-2900)
- Phase 2 = 4:15 mins; 3:16 mins w/ beacon (b; 550-700)
- Total Time = 8:45 mins; 6:40 mins w/ beacon; manual docking (bound to increase by 2-3 mins with SDC; 4-5 w/ interdictions)
- Ahp = (Ca + Cb)^6; Aph = (Ca+ Cb)^9 with beacon

*Based on fastest possible time*

Aph (approximate profit per hour; use if =/< 60mins)
Ahp (approximately 1hr of profit; use if > 60 mins)
C (maximum cargo hold; 448 in the AMF Terminus II's case)
a (lowest income per ton on 1st station)
b (lowest income per ton on 2nd station)


[Illegal Trade Routes]

Route A
- Phase 1 = 6:08 mins (a; 4499-4523)
- Phase 2 = 5:10 mins (N/A)
- Time Per Run = 11:18 mins; a combination of manual docking and SDC (inside station)
- Ahp = Ca^6
- Approximate Total Time ~ 1:07:30

Aph (approximate profit per hour; use if =/< 60mins)
Ahp (approximately 1hr of profit; use if > 60 mins)
C (maximum cargo hold; 448 in the AMF Onryō's case)
a (lowest income per ton on 1st station)
b (lowest income per ton on 2nd station)

The ship loadout is unknown.