Ship details
Ship ident
Imperial Cutter
The name was given as the Cutter was better classed compared to Deus Vult (FDL) I used before then, so Constantinople became my main combat ship from September 2016. It proved especially useful when fighters were introduced the next month in October 2016.
Since then, I've regularly flown both Constantinople and Viatorem (Anaconda), depending on the location and objectives.
Constantinople's full engineering overhaul to Grade 5 was from Feb 2017 and finished in May. It then continued to go through engineering phases to refine it further.
In the second half of 2017, Constantinople was flown to investigate interesting locations including some of the INARA sites. Those are in this gallery if you'd like to check it out:
From 2018, months were spent working on every ship in the fleet, including Constantinople. All modules were converted, refined and reengineered to Grade 5.
After continuing to use the ship often, in 2021 Constantinople had its shieling overhauled with the shield boosters converted for high resistance vs capacity. That meant recharge times were shortened. Shields cells became more effective and more cells were added (making 16 total) which were all upgraded further.
Spec of the ship includes:
482 m/s Boost
34.47 LY Jump Range
2,345 MJ Shield
4,447 MJ Shield cell total from 16 shield cell charges
1,793 Hull Hitpoints
• 4,138 Total Hitpoints
• 10,316 Explosive Hitpoints
• 9,046 Kinetic Hitpoints
• 6,372 Thermal Hitpoints
150.6 DPS
4 x SRVs
30 x Fighters