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Moritus Rising [Hot]
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The name Moritus is from the two Latin words for dead, 'mortuus' and shot, 'ictus'. So she is really named Deadshot Rising.

Originally she was brought as an upgrade to my Type-7 (Stalwart II) as she can hold more cargo but has the capability to land on a medium landing pad and much more able to defend herself! Over time I have moved her on from hauling cargo to an almost dedicated combat role. Over the time of my ownership of her, she has really become my favourite ship. She isn't as nimble as my Cobra (Melissa's Romance) and certainly my Eagle (The Damned Soul), but Moritus makes it up with raw fire power. Her 3 large and 2 medium hardpoints give her the power to take on single large ships and hold her own with wings of smaller ships.
The ship loadout is unknown.