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Aurora Stargazer
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This is Aurora Stargazer. She is a Faulcon DeLacey Anaconda. One of the things I like to do is explore and previously have been doing that in my Asp - 'The Nomad's Snake'. While the Nomad is a great ship for exploration it has one issue that effects me, space. Not the stuff (or is that lack of stuff?) outside, but the space in the flight deck. Sitting in that little transparent bubble, while giving a great view, was for me oddly claustrophobic.

I had the opportunity to go onto the bridge of an Anaconda some years ago and loved the space on the bridge. Now that I have built up the credits I wanted one myself. The bridge is great, especially in micro-gravity. Not to mention it has great upgrade potential. Currently I have her set for exploration - it is the reason why I brought her - however it wouldn't be to hard to fit her out with some armaments. This would mean she could be a dual-purpose ship. Exploration and combat. The only downside is the reduction in jump distances but I can live with that.
The ship loadout is unknown.