Cmdr Mix-all
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
75th Colonial Fleet
Felicia Winters

Fleet carrier details

Fuel level
47% (469)
Docking access
Squadron and friends
Allow notorious

Details visible to
Squadron asset
I buy EVERYTHING you have to offer. Contact me in the game. Ill buy painite, illegal and stolen goods. Criminals may dock here. Sell me Diamonds, Palladium, Opals, Tritium or any high value goods. I will make you an offer you can not decline!

Station update
11 Jun 2024, 1:49am
Location update
11 Jun 2024, 1:49am
Market update
02 Mar 2024, 12:37pm
Shipyard update
Outfitting update
Services and crewUpkeepTariff
Bartender | Thomas Sharp1,750,000 Cr-
Black marketInactive0 Cr-
Captain | Destiny Sutton5,000,000 Cr-
Commodity market | Wayne Cooley0 Cr-
Outfitting | Eusebio Coffey5,000,000 Cr-
Pioneer Supplies | Thomas Sharp5,000,000 Cr-
Rearm | Aleyna Benjamin1,500,000 Cr-
Redemption office | Claude Walsh1,850,000 Cr-
Refuel | Elinor Burch1,500,000 Cr-
Repair | Nathaniel Luna1,500,000 Cr-
Shipyard | Esmeralda Pickett6,500,000 Cr-
Universal Cartographics | Carolina Greer1,850,000 Cr-
Vista Genomics | Thomas Sharp1,500,000 Cr-
Tritium depot | Vaishnavi Luna0 Cr-
Fleet carrier
Total commodities exported66,128
Total commodities imported52,746
Credits earned from commodities6,992,690,509 Cr
Credits spent on commodities23,948,740,955 Cr
Credits earned from stolen goods0 Cr
Credits spent on stolen goods0 Cr
Total travel distance130,056.59 Ly
Number of carrier jumps488
Total ships sold0
Credits earned from shipyard0 Cr
Total modules sold256
Credits earned from outfitting12,735,057 Cr
Total ships restocked636
Total ships refuelled1,595
Credits earned from refuelling19,190 Cr
Total ships repaired1,154
Redemption office exchanges9,874
Redemption office payouts4,259,074,106 Cr
View fleet