Fleet carrier details

Fuel level
42% (416)
Docking access
Allow notorious

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Squadron asset
Souls Ambition started life as a "Plant Vault". She was seen above most earth like worlds, collecting seeds and other plant life samples. After a Thargoid attack, she was later renamed "A Souls Ambition" and vowed to protect her gardens from threats

Station update
24 Jun 2024, 2:15am
Location update
24 Jun 2024, 2:15am
Market update
15 Dec 2023, 3:34pm
Shipyard update
Outfitting update
Services and crewUpkeepTariff
Black marketInactive0 Cr-
Captain | Maeve Dillon5,000,000 Cr-
Commodity market | Garth Steiner0 Cr-
OutfittingInactive0 Cr-
Rearm | Denny Cain1,500,000 Cr-
Redemption officeInactive0 Cr-
Refuel | Wally Walls1,500,000 Cr-
Repair | Floyd Sexton1,500,000 Cr-
ShipyardInactive0 Cr-
Tritium depot | Emmarie Goodwin0 Cr-
Fleet carrier
Total commodities exported25,242
Total commodities imported21,782
Credits earned from commodities8,875,642 Cr
Credits spent on commodities1,949,025,380 Cr
Credits earned from stolen goods0 Cr
Credits spent on stolen goods0 Cr
Total travel distance6,737.42 Ly
Number of carrier jumps32
Total ships sold0
Credits earned from shipyard0 Cr
Total modules sold60
Credits earned from outfitting6,483,100 Cr
Total ships restocked114
Total ships refuelled313
Credits earned from refuelling1,669 Cr
Total ships repaired143
Redemption office exchanges0
Redemption office payouts0 Cr
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