Fleet carrier details

Fuel level
24% (242)
Docking access
Squadron and friends
Allow notorious

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Squadron asset

Station update
06 Jul 2024, 10:52pm
Location update
06 Jul 2024, 10:52pm
Market update
06 Jul 2024, 10:52pm
Shipyard update
06 Jul 2024, 10:52pm
Outfitting update
Services and crewUpkeepTariff
Bartender | Alaya O'Neal1,750,000 Cr-
Black marketInactive0 Cr-
Captain | Linnea Cantu5,000,000 Cr-
Commodity market | Yatzil Herman0 Cr-
Outfitting | Yatzil Nicholson5,000,000 Cr-
Pioneer Supplies | Aime Carpenter5,000,000 Cr-
Rearm | Adriana Khachatryan1,500,000 Cr-
Redemption office | Lilia Neal1,850,000 Cr-
Refuel | Ruby Melendez1,500,000 Cr-
Repair | Alynna Boyle1,500,000 Cr-
Shipyard | Luigi Molina6,500,000 Cr-
Vista Genomics | Agustin Hull1,500,000 Cr-
Tritium depot | Petra Clarke0 Cr-
Fleet carrier
Total commodities exported40
Total commodities imported0
Credits earned from commodities4,040 Cr
Credits spent on commodities0 Cr
Credits earned from stolen goods0 Cr
Credits spent on stolen goods0 Cr
Total travel distance3,595.23 Ly
Number of carrier jumps23
Total ships sold0
Credits earned from shipyard48,898,350 Cr
Total modules sold0
Credits earned from outfitting0 Cr
Total ships restocked0
Total ships refuelled15
Credits earned from refuelling0 Cr
Total ships repaired3
Redemption office exchanges592
Redemption office payouts2,086,671,910 Cr
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