Fleet carrier details

Fuel level
53% (525)
Docking access
Allow notorious

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Squadron asset
Welcome to The ORB. Treat my crew with respect. Try The Space Cocktail Bar where you will find Astra on most planet cycles. I highly recommend the Prescient Melange Rum and for an extra Kaboom with your drink tell Astra that CMDR JJ sent you. Enjoy!

Station update
18 Dec 2024, 6:23pm
Location update
18 Dec 2024, 6:23pm
Market update
18 Dec 2024, 4:38pm
Shipyard update
18 Dec 2024, 4:38pm
Outfitting update
18 Dec 2024, 4:38pm
Services and crewUpkeepTariff
Bartender | Nyomi Dickson1,750,000 Cr-
Black marketInactive0 Cr-
Captain | Kurtis Gomez5,000,000 Cr-
Commodity market | Stanford Reeves0 Cr-
Outfitting | Shania Rivera5,000,000 Cr-
Pioneer Supplies | Micah DicksonSuspended1,500,000 Cr-
Rearm | Carey Roy1,500,000 Cr-
Redemption office | Aleeah Goff1,850,000 Cr-
Refuel | Dario Snyder1,500,000 Cr-
Repair | Shaun Shepard1,500,000 Cr-
Shipyard | Brittany Palmer6,500,000 Cr-
Universal Cartographics | Dorothy Everett1,850,000 Cr-
Vista Genomics | Micah DicksonSuspended700,000 Cr-
Tritium depot | Ryleigh Welch0 Cr-
Fleet carrier
Total commodities exported47,883
Total commodities imported50,250
Credits earned from commodities4,231,424,139 Cr
Credits spent on commodities12,989,687,198 Cr
Credits earned from stolen goods0 Cr
Credits spent on stolen goods0 Cr
Total travel distance63,214.01 Ly
Number of carrier jumps293
Total ships sold23
Credits earned from shipyard2,280,938,861 Cr
Total modules sold354
Credits earned from outfitting7,289,019 Cr
Total ships restocked1,050
Total ships refuelled1,674
Credits earned from refuelling106,454 Cr
Total ships repaired1,497
Redemption office exchanges3,426
Redemption office payouts18,131,782,560 Cr
View fleet