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A Titan firing at the Xenophon Jav Marlo
A Thargoid Glaive firing its lightning beam on the Xenophon Jav Marlo
The Xenophon collecting a Titan’s sample Jav Marlo
A Thargoid Glaive approaching the Xenophon Jav Marlo
The Titan Taranis triggering a shutdown field Jav Marlo
The Xenophon collecting Titan samples Jav Marlo
The Xenophon launching a collector limpet to the Titan Taranis Jav Marlo
The Xenophon using its Wave Pulse Xeno Scanner Jav Marlo
The Xenophon approaching the maw of the Titan Taranis Jav Marlo
The Xenophon approaching the Titan Taranis Jav Marlo
The Xenophon leaving the Taranis maelstrom Jav Marlo
The Xenophon pursued by a Thargoid Interceptor within Taranis Jav Marlo
A Thargoid interceptor emerging from Taranis Jav Marlo
The Taranis maw activating Jav Marlo
The Taranis maw Jav Marlo
Jav Marlo and Ayumi on the Xenophon exploring the Taranis hive ship Jav Marlo
The hive ship heat vents Jav Marlo
The hive ship exhaust port Jav Marlo
The pylons in the bottom of the Thargoid hive ship Jav Marlo
The Xenophon approaching the hive ship Jav Marlo
The hive ship Jav Marlo
The Xenophon flying towards the vortex of the Maelstrom Jav Marlo
The Xenophon passing through the shock wave Jav Marlo
Jav Marlo and Ayumi on the Xenophon Jav Marlo