Logbook entry

Well now .... there she be .... - October (3305)

07 Oct 2019CMDR Jokerman
I'd made a number of runs at mining LTDs in Borann and dodging pirates in the Type -7.
Overall, I'd accumulated enough with the 500+ mil credits to go ahead and not only buy the Anaconda but kit it out as I wish also.
Coriolis.oi helped me scope out a build and then it was down to what was relatively easily available at nearby stations.

I ended up configuring a ship that both met my immediate need and left some opportunity for updating later.
It was also a case of me wanting to take a build, try it out and learn what needs keeping, what needs improving and what may need ditching.

DettiBoo 5 launched today ready to be put into action. 342,755,231 Credits all in (see below for config).

That action was to go back to Borann and go mining again for LTDs.
Bringing that credit balance back to 500+ mil felt like a good idea. I kinda liked that 500+ mil bank account!

As boring as this probably may sound, soon after arrival in Borann, it was satisfying to be 'found' by a pirate flying an Eagle.
I say 'satisfying' as there was a measure of .. Ok, let's see what Dettiboo 5 can do.
The roles had changed and I didn't have the same sense of worry.
In fact, I need to remind myself not to be arrogant!

This egiot pirate issued the usual unoriginal warning and I decided to wait for him to open fire before I would respond.

My weapons were stowed and I had accepted that for DettiBoo 5's first trip out in the void, a baptism of fire so to speak was just about right.
I was in no panic. Let this thing unfold and give him no quarter was my mindset.
I was a lot more confident that I was in the Type-7 or Type 6 before that for good reason but also, I was electing to take this fight. After all, I could have jumped!

Nevertheless , I treated this as a real threat and being aware of the agility limitations of the Anaconda, I was careful to maintain my distance and position.

The pirate was flying around carelessly and soon enough, I could see the bright flashes indicating he'd hit his guns!

"Ship under attack" soon echoed in the cockpit.

So it was on! Ok, here we go!

"DettiBoo, weapons!" I called out nice and calmly. Right on cue, the weapons deployed.

Making sure to keep position, I lined up on this nememy (my joke).

I pressed the trigger and lit him up. Then, unexpectedly, "Warning, overheat" echoed.

"What?" My only reaction was a roll of my eyes as I adjusted pips to weapons. School boy error. Ha!

Back onto target, (actually, I'd pretty well kept him in my gun sights all along) I opened up the beam lasers, full volley again.

The targets shields just fell off. This was both exciting and shocking. How over powered was I.
I moved a little closer and opened up with the multi cannon.
Overpowered or not, two can play his game and now I am playing it better! I was offering no pity today.

"Frame shift Drive detected" announced DettiBoo.

BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! announced the void with a flash and explosion before Dettiboo finished her announcement.

And that's all she wrote!

A 35K+ bounty for me to cash in come over the comm link that made me smile.

Honestly, this is not the kind of stuff I am here for and frankly, I don't want to interfere with anyone out here. But I'm done with being pirated too.

I aimed back for the rings to get on with my primary goal ... LTD mining. There's a small and large fortune down there and I was prepared to work for a tiny share.

For sure, there's a bit of tuning and reconfiguration to consider however, this is a pretty solid base build and this first encounter against an Eagle was successful.

I now plan to do some flying around to buy some parts (once I decide on them) and then, I reckon it's time to call in on the engineers to do a bit of additional tuning.

Summary build

1L Lightweight Alloy

4A Multi Cannon (Huge HP)
3E Burst Laser Gimballed (Large HP)
3C Beam Laser Gimballed (Large HP)
3C Beam Laser Gimballed (Large HP)
2D Beam Laser Gimballed (Medium HP)
2D Beam Laser Gimballed (Medium HP)
1D Mining Laser Fixed (Small HP)
1D Mining Laser Fixed (Small HP)

Core Internal:
8A Power plant (8)
6A Thrusters (7)
6A Frame Shift Drive (6)
5E Life Support (5)
7A Power Distributor (8)
8E Sensors (8)
5C Fuel Tank (5)

Optional Internal:
7E Cargo (7)
6E Cargo (6)
6A Shield (6)
5A Collector Limpet Controller (6)
5E Cargo (5)
4A Fuel Scoop (5)
5D Prospector Limpet Controller (5)
4A Refinery (4)
2G Planetary Vehicle Hangar (4)
4E Cargo Rack (4)
1I Detailed Surface Scanner (2)
1E Supercruise Assist (1)
4A Shield Cell Bank (5)

0I Point Defense (0)
0I Heat Sink Launcher (0)
0B Pulse wave Analyzer (0)
0D Frame Shifyt Wake Scanner (0)
0B Kill Warrant Scanner (0)
0A Shield Booster (0)
0A Shield Booster (0)
OI Point Defense (0)
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︎0 Shiny!
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