Logbook entry

The Switch [8A]

15 Apr 2017Kurotama

So here I am after a year dirtside. Dieter and I had to just to be safe; it started to feel like there were people with white rings lurking behind me at every port. Even posing as a Rear Admiral didn't do shit.

I don't even get why they needed to follow me. Wasn't like I was top management at the Nakano-kai. Sure, I pissed off someone really awful back then, but after all this time? Ehhhh.

I have to get back to Sol, find Misaki, and finally get rid of them. But first things first: I have to sneak in.

This year we spent at [redacted] gave me an idea. The people who helped me go underground belonged to an organization that helped full synthetic humans -- synths -- escape this place they called the Institute. During that time I met Marie, a robot who wanted to become human so she (apparently her creator programmed her with a few of his old flames in mind, and the gender stuck; so yeah, "she" ) found a brain-dead synth and downloaded herself into that shell. Dieter bonded with her almost immediately like she was his big sister, if not a mom.

I'd been thinking for a while that a life in space tagging along after me was no real life and completely unfair to the kid. Besides, after all our time together I knew I owed it to him, considering the circumstances that led to me taking him on in the first place.

I always knew I'd have to return to Sol one day; I talked this over with Dieter and Marie and we agreed that Dieter would stay with her. Now that he'd found a home, I took care of the next task: becoming someone else.

Marie's robot-to-human transition convinced me I could pull off the same thing. The doctor who helped Marie thought we were nuts when we told her we wanted to do the same thing to me. The easy part was finding a donor body: after taking over the Institute we now had their machinery at our disposal. All we had to do was manufacture a "blank" for me to slip into. So we did the swap and put my body in cryo.

And that's why I'm a girl now.
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