Logbook entry

The Close Call [1a]

27 Nov 2015Kurotama

Thought I'd hunt a few bounties while I hung out at Xihe. Going well until one guy made me bite off more than I could chew.

Went toe-to-toe with a Deadly-ranked Fed Gunship, nearly all by myself until a few passers-by started throwing in some shots of their own. Did fairly okay; managed to get the guy down to under half his hull strength, until one slight miscalculation on my part cost me big.

Was still at 46% hull when the canopy was obliterated. LS kicked in; with 25 on the clock I opted to fight it out some more. Gave as good as I got, but I wasn't doing myself any favors. Next thing I knew hull was at 10%.

Then 2.

Then 1.

FSD'd and ran. Wasn't about to lose my investment.

Never fought so close to the edge like that. Skin of my teeth. With the canopy gone, so was the env HUD. Flying blind. Had to drive the boat on compass and naked eye alone.

Back to station with a few pieces missing, but back nonetheless. Right after I squared the ship the baymaster came running hollering some junk about a couple canisters I knocked over. No fucks given; needed a drink fast.

You never think about how many stars are out there until you need to find just one.
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