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The Twin Swords [3a]

01 Dec 2015Kurotama

Order for Vulture came in today. Not sure why I sprang for it; just thought I'd try flying something else. Took a few (expensive) tweaks to get it to fly right. So far so good.

Named it "Musashi" after an ancestor. When I was a kid on Earth we heard stories about him all the time. Best one I heard was how he took down a rival with a battered oar. 60 duels, undefeated. (Can't say the same for me.)

Man had a twin sword fighting style; figured it fits since this boat only carries two weps.

Weird thing is while flying around I caught myself thinking about heading to Xihe, wondering what it would take for Musashi to get all the way there as is. I know it shouldn't be my problem but that thing with the kid's been bugging me.

Maybe I'll take Oni and head there. Maybe not.
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︎3 Shiny!
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