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The Jump [5a]

07 Dec 2015Kurotama

The kid and I made it back to the ship after taking the long way around, ducking through alleyways and side streets while I kept my head on a swivel, though I was sure no one was behind us (at least not yet). The ring wasn't meant to tell me they were coming after me right now; all the Nakano-kai wanted to say was they would always know where I was. Room to breathe, all things considered.

Had a job for Leesti. Only choice now was to take him with me.

I spare a thought for the slaves I haul now and then. I wonder how they get there. I wonder what happens when whatever ship they're on gets blown up. Then I land, turn in the job at the BB, and move on. Circle of life. Nothing really new; I probably did worse working for the mob.

But I've never had to stand face-to-face with what was previously cargo and think about whether I had any other clothes he could use. (Lost the kid's bag in the rush, so there's something new I needed to deal with.)

I had him put on the spare flight suit because I didn't know what to expect from here on out. Kid was pretty tall for ten, so when the auto-fit kicked in the suit fit okay. Also meant we'd have no trouble with headgear.

But he seemed fidgety; snugness maybe made him feel naked. Told him to wait, dug out a jacket and a pair of pants from the cabin. Loose, but manageable with a few tucks. Seemed to calm him down.

The ship was full, my cabin was a mess, so I had no place else for him to sit except bottom chair. Asked if he'd seen a jump before, though I was half expecting him to say no. Slaves seldom have, so it kind of surprised me when he nodded. Small comfort; better chance he wouldn't freak out when I hit FSD. Just the same I told him to shut his eyes if he started feeling scared. Switched on the comm at bottom chair so I could speak to him if necessary, then I strapped him in and headed up to top chair.

Then I headed out.
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