Logbook entry

The Admiral [7a]

22 Jan 2016Kurotama

Been weeks since I'd had the time to log in. Running around in Hayabusa since then; me and Dieter've been trying to stay clean and low, and so far it's been working.

While in-system at Taribes I answered a distress call. I usually stay out of things like this, but I felt like jumping in this time. (Maybe flying a Python made me feel a little bit surer about myself.)

Federal Assault Ship, under attack by a wing of two. I got in too late; while I was still targeting the Vulture, the Fer de Lance finished it off. FAS blew up, and the wing took off, without so much as a look back at their handiwork.

Tried to see if I could maybe scoop up the escape pod, but nothing. Might've gone in the explosion. All that was left was one can; personal effects of the deceased. Popped open the hatch and picked it up.

After dropping off the cargo at Alcala I decided to take a look at the can. Opened it up; found that the FAS pilot was a Rear Admiral with FNA. Even weirder, the guy looked remarkably like me. Nearly the same age, even. Didn't seem like the man had any family to speak of, and from the looks of it he'd been by himself most of the time.

Then it clicked.

Maybe I could use this. I mean, I'd been using an assumed name since leaving Sol, but this was an unexpected opportunity.

So I took Dieter aside and explained what we'd be doing. He and I had to hide, and somehow it was bothering me that things have been too quiet recently. While I didn't feel entirely at ease with taking on a dead man's name, the kid and I needed to survive.

For the second time in my life I was gonna be a different man.

An Admiral.
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