Logbook entry

That New Carrier Smell...

26 Feb 2023JumpyHumpySpider
ahh yes.. just like when you get a new ship from the yard, that smell never leaves you..

after arriving to the newly commissioned ENS The Longest Day Fleet Carrier, the hairs.. that tingle.. every sensation when you're a young pilot, watching a fleet of Vipers fly overhead in formation, that spark making you want to be up there with them.. to fly, Trade, Explore and even fight to defend.. all comes down to this final marker..

the crew were joyful to meet their new commander, i was able to requisition one of the fabled Victory class Carriers, even persuaded the guys to paint it in a beautiful white, they argued white would blind the bridge but i showed them my fleet of ships, all painted white.. they agreed at how pretty the colour is.. the Engineers did wonders, the landing pads have a wonderful blue aura about them, its like a beacon of safety for those who dock here.. we do not judge, you live your life how you need to.. the engines shine bright blue.. i hope no one mistakes them for a neutron star, they give off that similar blue accent..

my only grumble is the interior painter.. i desperately asked for blue accents inside the carrier.. but regretfully stocks of blue paint were running out and was needed for recommissioned SAR Megaships... which was admirable..

so i have this Carrier, stunning white, blue effects and a claxon.. oh the claxon.. it screams "I'M HEEERRREEEEE!!!!", no mistaking it when it sounds.. it still gives me the tingle down my spine.. i was able to recruit Blaine for my ATC Operator.. a fitting voice for myself since it reminds me soo much of home.. when he speaks, it for me at least.. makes me want to grab a cup of tea and sit down enjoying the view.. which there are plenty...

i digress however, my joys and relaxations will have to wait.. now i have to fund this beauty and keep her active.. we have the great Thargoid war at hand with some pilots reporting a good reward from the Pilot Federation.. we have delivery requests from nearby Megaships requesting high value goods for a "special job"..

the Longest Day will remain active.. and now.. i can say.. she is mine.. i OWN a Fleet Carrier..

***Signed off 10:09am***

Signed: Cmdr JumpyHumpySpider
Log Location: ENS The Longest Day - Captains Cabin
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