Logbook entry

Open to the Public

27 Apr 2023JumpyHumpySpider
***Public Service Announcement via ENS Longest Day***


After Due Deliberation and Much arguing with the crew...
ENS The Longest Day is now open to the public for Refuel and Resupply purposes..
Tariff Costs are still being decided upon and for now remains free, at some point Tariffs will be added to aid in the running of the vessel..

Commanders with a Bounty/ Wanted level have been granted access to board the vessel for the same reasons.

Avoid the Command Decks and Decks 4-8 as these are utilised by the Owners fleet and Storage Facilities, Security in these zones have authority to Take Lethal Action if deemed Necessary... The Janitor would also appreciate if these rules are followed to the Letter...
System Security is present whenever the Carrier is available, we DO NOT have any authority over their actions and in fact, we have the Ability to assist Security Forces with Capturing, Reporting and Neutralizing Hostiles..

please remember, This is not just a Carrier, Not just a service hub.. it is a home to many.. Take Consideration when wandering the Carrier and ensuring services are not disrupted.

Thank you for your Time!

***End of Announcement***

Cmdr JumpyHumpySpider
Commanding Officer, ENS The Longest Day
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