Cmdr Karina Forlon
Freelancer / Courier
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Krait Mk II KA-F06
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Logbook entry

Into the Core

07 Oct 2019Karina Forlon
Note: this article contains often references to the biography of Karina.

Karina was very nervous when entered offices of her father in Yaroklis system. It was quite unusual state for her, but she spent enough time already with thinking about what she is doing and mainly what she want to do next. Now was a time to start realising her plans. Local security system was active and it meant that he is not here ... it was quite a relief for her. She had fear, despite all previous support, that he could start persuading her to change her mind. In the centre of a large, modern office, was placed big wooden desk. Karina headed for it without hesitation and put on it an short hand-written letter:


I've decided to leave the Bubble and visit the Colonia region. We both knew that it will happen one day. I will try to stay in touch and will send you messages at times using Colonia connection stations. Felicia's workshop is my first stop for few latest equipment upgrades and from there I will fly to Mammon frontier system and its base in asteroid ... that will be my starting point on the journey to the core. When I get back, we'll have a lot to discuss.

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