Logbook entry

The beginning of the war.

18 May 2018TalosOfRivia
May 19th, 3304.

    //-------------Cmdrs log--------------\\
//--Squadron Leader Cmdr YallNeedTalos--\\

After another Thargoid encounter and a week of fighting for another faction in a proxy war, I woke to a message from Wing Commander DaCogent. Seems what happened in Bolon Tzu actually worked, he says we're finally fighting on our own ground - getting our name on one of the local stations. We've been waiting more than enough time. I'll believe it when I see it.

End Log.

++Emergency log update - 19.5.3304++
Just spotted a few of our SysSec ships flying in formation to a signal source, gonna follow them in. Archer. Activate my wing beacon and hail the Wing Commander and Senior Wingman FlammableBanter.

++[ITF] Midas Touch Black Box log update++
//------------Beacon On-----------\\
Wingman 1 ---------- Cmdr DaCogent
Wingman 2 ---------- Cmdr FlammableBanter
Low Intensity conflict zone detected, transmitting asset information and escape pod trajectories.

//-------------Cmdrs log--------------\\
//--Squadron Leader Cmdr YallNeedTalos--\\

I've seen it with my own eyes now, we're at war, fighting for home, and I know we're going to win. We're going to put ourselves on the map, and make this sector a safer place.
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