Logbook entry

*** IMPORTANT *** Information not logged but should be for Explorers

25 Jul 2016Dj-slt-uk
For those of you just starting out on your initial epic deep space adventure to explore vast planetary systems and have your name claimed to discoveries for ever there are some very important pointers you should take in and remember espsecially once you are 12,000+lys from SOL.


Once you have made it far enough out into deep space (11000lys+), you will come across BLACK Dots on your galaxy navigation instrumentation screen. Caution - exploring them takes tactical manoeuvring to avoid being sucked into the unknown.

449d.Approaching BlackHoles via Hyperjump

449d.a1. Whilst in Hyperjump - set all thrusters to 0/Zero (Important)

449d.a2. Once you drop into the system the Blackhole will be coming towards you so turn 90% left or right and set thrusters to 50-80% for 10 seconds.

449d.a3. Only after you have done the above 2 parts can you safely perform your Deep Surface Scan and claim your own Blackhole (providing you make it back safely to existence without getting destroyed.

450a.Approaching Neutron Stars

Sometime's you can just drop in on a Neutron Star system without warning if you are mass jumping thru the galaxy...however most of the time you can tell if its a Neutron Star because in your cockpit its showing a transparent spinning planet instead of the normal blue motionless planets.

450a.b1. Approach the Neutron Star with extreme caution - lesson the thrusters until your Deep Space Scanner picks up and starts researching the star.

450a.b2. If you drop in on a Neutron Star then follow the advice in section 449d

Using the above information has helped so many cmdr's before you and yet so many cmdr's & ships no longer exist due to lack of information being passed down.

CMDR DJ-SLT-UK Explorer Scripture Book1
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