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Exploration - Which Plain Do I Need To Be On?

01 Dec 2015Dj-slt-uk
A lot of explorers are doing hit & miss deep space exploration.

Recently I have received a few messages in regards to where are the blackholes?

Here's some brief pointers for those wanting to explore deep space;

1. Jump 400+ or 400- light years up/down from Sol

2. Once you have got 400+ up goto galaxy map and angle the map of the galaxy so that you are looking on a level as straight as you can.

3. Start plotting your course

3a. I prefer to choose Sag A as my reference point to check on my level to travel along.

3b. When plotting your jump, you should be able to plot your course upto 999lys (trying to keep as level as possible to the 400+ original setting.

4. You will find undiscovered planets and stars within 500lys.

5. You will find Blackholes within 12-15,000 Lys if you stay as close to that original plain as possible.

6. Don't scan asteroid belts (you don't get your name for finding them or credits - but scan every other planet in each system that shows undiscovered as you will get your name on that system and credits when you get back to a port.)

7. Don't explore in open play!!

8. Due to the distance required to find blackholes - some of your earlier system discoveries maybe cashed in by others if they return to a port before you.....so scan everything....as everyone can get there cmdr name on a system (remember 400 billion stars)

9. When coming out of a jump - makesure your throttle is at zero - then increase & get closer to use the fuel scoop.

10. Enjoy the vast lonely deep space & open the http://inara.cz website and pick a radio station to have background music for exploration and mute the game music so that you can enjoy the grooves whilst jumping and exploring systems...its really cool.

Most of all Enjoy the trip.....its a huge grind - but its extremely well worth doing.

I will be putting a small exploration team together once the official launch of Elite Horizons is available for everyone and we will set off for SAG A which is deep in the centre of the core. This will be in Open Play... which is fine as some will be fitted with enough weaponry to defend the exploration team.

If interested in this future SAG A exploration feel free to either PM or leave your interests in a message below.....oh and feel free to give this message a shine so others will get to see it and hopefully grab some very useful tips.

Kindest Regards,

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