Logbook entry

Star Date 5.12.3310

12 May 2024EnirSF
After trudging through the miserably grueling climb up the empire's ranks, running message logs, errands, and cleaning out some defectors, I have finally been given the sweet sweet release from this nightmare. This evening my comms were graced with a notification and data packet from imperial high command, commending me on a job well done and in recognition, they have elevated my rank to Duke.

I couldn't believe it, I was free, I could finally purchase the ship I had been seeking and leave these imperial sods to pursue my true goal. To become a freelancer and carve my own path in the galaxy. Tonight, marks the completion of one step towards that goal. The end of a journey, and the beginning of another.

I broke open that bottle of Bunratty mead I had "acquired" from Sol and was saving for a special occasion, poured myself a shots worth into a tiny shot sized drinking horn adorned with Norwegian runes, called out a Skal!, and downed my drink. Musing for a few minutes over the unique flavor before setting my comms to D&D before returning to my quarters for a peaceful nights rest.

Breath Deep, Fly High Cmndrs
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