Logbook entry

Sr. Maintenance Officer Log - Date 09.03.3310

04 Sep 2024EnirSF
Sr. Maintenance Officer- Cmndr IcePaw - Personal Entry

It has been 4 days now since we left the confines of what the galactic populace referred to as "The Bubble". Myself, along with Cmndr DK-Ardok , and Cmndr Akiraheaven have ventured forth on this expedition to visit systems and routes less traveled based on the galactic traffic maps. Our destination being Hawking's Gap.

After running routine maintenance on our ships and the fleet carrier I noticed we were getting low on stores for raw materials and decided to scout out some of these unexplored systems to see if it was possible to replenish our supplies from local sources. Todays system is Pro Eurl JW-O b47-0. Upon arriving it was discovered that a prior Cmndr had indeed visited the 3 body system and had scanned the primary Star and first body.

However, as I began my preliminary surveying with the Discovery Scanner it was discovered that this was not a 3 body system but a 12 body system. I ran this new info against the local system map but the other bodies were still not present on the local map. I put my ship Not a Clipper into cruise and stepped away from the pilot seat and went over to the FSS array control panel. Booting the system up I began tuning the energy signal sensors and filtering through the systems static energy.

Sure enough, after 6 minutes of scanning and fine tuning the sensors I was able to positively identify the remaining 9 bodies. All of which, after checking the updated local map, showed that they were not only undiscovered, but also none of the surface entry capable bodies had been landed on. Totaling 5 (4 planets+ 1 moon). It should also be noted that one planet, Body 10, had an icy ring. I sat back down in my pilots chair and set a course to Body 10 to do a more detailed survey to see if we could restock our supply there.

Upon arriving I deployed the Detailed Surface Scanner probe system and started launching probes into the planet's surface. The results feeding into my console as I combed through them. Low Temperature Diamonds, Grandidierite, Bromellite, Void Opal, Alexandrite, Tritium........there we go!. Just what we needed to restock the Nidhog. I placed a notation on this system and body so I can return later with my mining rig and begin processing. For now. I have a system to finish cataloging.

This is Cmndr IcePaw, Sr. Maintenance Officer for the Hawking's Gap voyage. Signing out.
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