Logbook entry

Commanders Personal Log

22 Mar 2018TG The Messiah
Date: March 23rd, 3304
Time: Classified
Location: Imperial Space

I finally has an opportunity to return to Federal space without raising any suspicion. I was dispatched by the Imperial Navy to the system of Meliae to pick up some materials. On the way I stopped by Sol to send an encoded message to the admiralty. Needless to say they were impressed as on my return trip, I stopped at Sol once more to receive a reply stating that I have been promoted to Rear Admiral, and that there is a corvette class starship waiting for me at Shinrarta Dezrha. I stopped by there and met the beauty, I spent upwards of 800,000,000 credits on her, and renamed her the HMAS Indomitable. When those Thargomids come, I will be ready.

I have returned back to Imperial space. I am now apart of their navy officially but I am next to a nobody. This may take some more time before I am close enough with the right people so I can continue my mission.
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