Logbook entry

Saving up for moving on

10 Sep 2016Valorin
Don't get me wrong, I love my Cobra, but it's time to settle for a ship with a wider range of possibilities. I set my sights on an Asp Explorer, a reliable ship, capable of long range jumps and a bit sturdier, but also bigger than my Cobra.
Unfortunately my bank account said "no", and so I had to set aside my aimless travels for a while and settled for anything that would earn me a few pretty sums. I started with small scale work for the Paladin Consortium around LFT 37, which was less profitable than I anticipated. Low range couriering and retrieving lost data only get you so far. Later I aided the Consortium in another endeavor and coincidentally came across a few medium range missions which were incredibly well paid. Long story short: after helping the cause I went peddling stuff across distances of about 150ly and I'm finally getting near those 30 millions I need for setting up a formidable Asp Explorer plus Insurance and all.
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