Logbook entry

Enjoy the silence

15 Mar 2017Valorin
So I spend some more time on the bridge, peddling cargo, delivering urgent packages and I even outfitted my ship with a few cabins to fulfill passenger requests. Never thought my Anaconda would go passenger cruiser. But since my bank account doesn't complain about starvation anymore I decided for a break. The stars are calling and who am I to not heed the call? So I outfitted my Asp for exploration once more and followed a friend into the black, setting course to the Formidine Rift.

There have always been rumors about this mysterious corner of our galaxy, and so far nobody unraveled its mysteries. Nobody who would talk about it, or can, that is. A few Commanders found transmissions and base camps out there though, but so far those only lead to more questions.

We visited the beautiful California Nebula, stopped by a Wolf Rayet star, which left quite the impression, and are now on the way to the NGC 7822 Nebula, which seemed to emit an intensive glow we like to investigate.
I'm currently landed on an icy body somewhere inbetween, enjoying the silence.
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