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Thargoid thoughts

06 Aug 2017Valorin
Ever since the first signs of Thargoids started showing up again, I have been fascinated, and not just me, but many of us. Starting with the discovery of that crashed ship. When the hyperdictions started happening, this fascination turned into caution. When they attacked federal ships, caution turned into fear. But the invasion didn't happen and people cooled down. The structures, bases, motherships, whatever they really are, seemed to be abandoned ruins. The more we discovered, the more they seemed to be a remnant of a vanished civilization. Is this reassuring? Are the Thargoids only a shadow that haunts us, and those attacks and hyperdictions merely a phenomenon and not the foreshadow of an assault? Perhaps they are, nobody knows for sure.

I have been fascinated, I have been cautious, and I still fear. And I won't let that slip away. I visited more than one crash site, heard the "singing" and encrypted messages of the Unknown Probes, I have been hyperdicted, was frightened when my ship went dark and that "thing" appeared and scanned (?) me. I visited the "Barnacles", harvested Meta Alloys to get one of our stations back online, and I visited one of the Thargoid structures, activated the machine inside, saw that starmap it projects for myself. There were drones all over the site, repairing, or scavenging. There is damage that looks just like what destroyed the federal ships, and I asked myself why? Was this site attacked by other Thargoids? It is known that there are two races. Are they, or were they, at war with each other? Or is this structural damage just what happens when these sites decay?
The machine didn't hurt me, the drones ignored me, the site was mostly dead. In the end I just boarded my ship and flew away, that's it. There was no threat. But that's not because they are unable to attack. They react hostile to Guardian tech, which is another mystery, but also means that us humans are not seen as a threat to be removed. Isn't that ambivalent? There's more behind the whole affair for sure, but perhaps it's much simpler than all these conspiracy theories (and facts) make it seem.

Are the Thargoids a threat? Are they friendly after all? The answer is simple: for all I know they can be both, but they certainly are interested.
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