Logbook entry

Thoughts on what seems to be the new "normal"

24 Jul 2018Valorin
I should write these logs more often. A lot has happened since my last one, and most of it was on Galnet coming to you in a smooth and toned down version of the truth. The other part is my personal observations and travels which mostly are of no interest to anyone.
Nontheless I write, if purely to get things off my chest. Also helps me focusing sometimes.

The Thargoids continue to be a threat. If you take the time to adjust the filters on the map you will see that it's dotted with red spots. A serpentine leading from the Pleiades to human space. Looking at it for a moment, taking in the meaning of those symbols is most unsettling. While Galnet is talking about writers touring through the Bubble and demand attention for royal weddings, an insectoid alien race long since penetrated the thin membrane that is our borders. Instead of the full-scale invasion everybody feared they slowly made their way into human space, destroying megaships, severely damaging stations, annihilating human life without a care.
Oh, I am still sure us humans killed more of our own kind with malicious intent than Thargoids ever did, and I am also sure we still do in this very moment, but that's actually what disturbes me most: their intentions. I know about human atrocities, and though I am barely able to understand why exactly people are that way, I get the human mind and its faults and ways of being cruel and power-hungry. The Thargoids though... They seem to mind their own business and whatever interferes with it, is in for destruction.

We don't know what exactly is their business though. We suspect that the Barnacles are seeding grounds, we don't know for what exactly. We know the Guardians once successfully repelled the Thargoids a long time ago and that Guardian technology is still being eradicated by Thargoids where ever they find it. This also seems to go for research into them. Their hits on stations for example were always very precise acts of sabotage. Taking out the reactor and thus rendering the station helpless, and then blowing up designated areas within it. They could easily destroy a whole starport, but they don't. They prioritize certain things and don't seem to care at all about the rest. No threat or interest means no incentive to act in any way. But they are here, inside human space. No matter their intentions and what Galnet says is important, they can't be ignored anymore.
I am not a combat pilot and thus not involved much when it comes to fighting the Thargoids, but I haven't forgotten about their presence and the threat they pose. I also haven't forgotten about INRA and AEGIS' involvement and manipulation and will keep a much closer eye on my scientific feeds, including Canonn, than on Galnet and keep gathering some information myself.

Recently I got my hands on a Krait MK2 and though I had my doubts, it now became a major asset for me. Very reliable, versatile, prepared to handle many different situations. I am still sitting on the bridge of that Krait while writing this log, out somewhere in the Orion nebula.
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