Logbook entry


20 Dec 2018Valorin
Awaiting the upcoming Distant World expedition I signed up for, the Krait Phantom came just in time for me. Looking at the specs and trying around with configurations in the simulation I finally bought and outfitted one for exploration and took that thing for a ride.

I made a short trip to the Pleiades, stress testing FSD, drive, scanners, all components. In the end I was so pleased with it, that I continued to Witch Head, Orion, straight through Barnard's Loop around Horse Head Nebula and then made my way to the California Nebula with a few stops and planetary drops inbetween. Also took a few readings and samples from those Bark Mounds and Barnacles on the way and mapped a system with 14 ringed bodies orbiting around a Class B star.
I'm currently on my way back to the Bubble, stopping by Betelgeuse. Awe inspiring sight. You never get a sense of scale around a supergiant until you landed on a body 1000ls away from the star, and it's still a gigantic fireball filling half of the sky.

Anyway, I'll leave a few pictures in the gallery of my profile. Krait Phantom is an outstanding ship and I am looking forward to taking it out into the black with Distant Worlds. Ship's name is in the log's title.
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︎1 Shiny!
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