Logbook entry

DW Log 01: Into the void

15 Jan 2019Valorin
More than ten thousand ships, mine among them, headed out into the void two days ago.
Leaving the Bubble wasn't unfamiliar to me, but the vast number of explorers and the scale of this expedition made quite the impression on me. It's different to leave for a few days, or weeks, and afterwards return to civilisation. We are talking about at least half a year here. Six months or more out there.

I'm in the cockpit right now, my Krait Phantom sitting on a pad of Omega Mining Operation, an asteroid base 6000 light years away from the Bubble. Preparations are already on the way, since this is not supposed to be a stop for resting, but the start of something bigger. During the next week our miners will set out to haul material from the planetary rings around here to the mining outpost in order to build the framework for a station that will later be installed near the galactic core. My ship is certainly not a mining vessel, but I carry an abrasion blaster and a pulse wave scanner to do my part helping the haulers.

I'm returning from a short sweep of the perimeter, scanned a few interesting worlds and even found some interesting anomalies out there. I'll be logging my discoveries now and then it's the bar.

6000 light years from Sol, cradle of mankind. Just about to start.
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