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DW Log 02: Past the Core

18 Mar 2019Valorin
Life is a mystery. No, really. Back in the Bubble the Thargoid attacks have doubled up, stations are burning, battles are raging. And if that wasn't enough, mankind continues its political conflicts, religious insanity and celebrity worship. Nuclear warheads have been stolen, some rich kid vanished, her mysterious disappearance a hoax. I mean, why not using the invasion of a hostile alien species as an excuse for having some fun? Wouldn't hurt anybody, right?
People say explorers go insane after staring into the void for too long. The abyss stares back and all this... To be honest, the only abyss I found so far was the newsfeed from the Bubble. Sagittarius A* came close, but the supermassive stupidity of the human race still sucked more.

Do I sound bitter? Maybe.
Anyway, we made the trip to the center. I left Explorer's Anchorage yesterday and am about 2000ly past Sag A* now, landed on some cold ball of ice. Did my share of mining last week, also sold all my data and made a few decisions about the Clairvoyance's outfitting. I also mounted additional antennae to help with the full spectrum scan. Planetary analysis was a bit laggy and I hope this helps at least a bit.
From this point on there won't be any colonized system on our route. We're heading out into the black.

So, life is a mystery. When I wrote that, starting this entry, I actually intended to write down a few philosophical thoughts I was harboring for some time now. But well, I guess it's cliché anyway.
Yes, space is pretty impressively big and we are so ridiculously small considering the scale of the universe. Anyway, food and a beer is waiting for me, and stars a plenty.
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︎3 Shiny!
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