Logbook entry


12 Dec 2015Valorin
Finally! It's mine! So far I didn't talk about how I got into business. I mentioned that relative of mine, the one flying that Cobra MK III back in the days. When he died, his inheritance hasn't been redeemed by the following generations. I took a further look and figured why. Beside his ship it also included his debts, which was an astronomical sum back in the days and made the inheritance useless. Nobody bothered taking a closer look until I took the time to do the math. Those debts decayed over time, also due to inflation and economy. His ship though seemed to be well stored and intact.

Long story short: Back then I joined the Pilots Federation, becoming an independent pilot, then contracted with a major insurance company. When I got my Sidewinder I accepted the legacy. That was also my first entry in this log book. Since then I spent most of my time paying off the debt. Today I was able to pay up, and that old Cobra MK III was released from hold. It's mine now.
I updated the systems, re-outfitted it with more effective shields and ditched those imprecise and outdated Ziehmann lasers. Powerplant had to go too.
It's a good feeling to finally have a competent and much more reliable ship!

I also got into some serious courier business with more "special" cargo, which earned me a few fast credits. The people you have to meet sometimes to arrange transport though...
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