Logbook entry

Back from being grounded

22 Jan 2016Valorin
It's been a while. I spent some time on Earth, visiting old friends, family. It was a weird feeling at first. Being in the firm grip of gravity, so much life everywhere, people crowding the streets and barely able to see the stars above. Almost forgot about that. After such a long time in space, orbital stations and elsewhere out in the black, Earth seemed to have turned into just another planet. Took a week until it faded and for me to perceive Earth as home once again. It was like moving into a new flat. Takes a while to adapt and grow comfortable with it.
I am writing this from the cockpit, on my way to Yulandh, somewhere on the fringes of the Bubble. And yeah, I belong here. Spending time home taught me something though: it doesn't matter how much you detach from your roots, how far you are from home and how long you have been away. On returning, you might feel like a stranger, but once you put off your cloak and hung it on its familiar spot, it's home again.
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