Stepping out of Character: A bad Case of Reverse Space Sickness.
19 Oct 2016NickTheGrey
To say that the Broadband connection to my house is unreliable at best is something of an understatement. I've been without a connection at all for seventeen days and so have not been able to log in to the game and play at all during that time. I confess I find sailing between the Bubble and Colonia as I was before the outage very relaxing. I scan star systems and planets that catch my attention. I meander through asteroid fields and planetary rings looking for interesting photo opportunities.I'm not in any particular rush this time to complete the 22KLY trip which I suppose is fortunate really. My Python sports a smidge over 20LY FSD range so I'm covering the distance quickly enough. The last time I was out this way was in an Asp so it'll be good to arrive in the Python.
If memory serves there's a little over 18KLY left of the distance to cover. I'm taking the time to help build up my Exploration rating as I'm fairly close to Pioneer. I'm hoping that arrival at Colonia will push me up to Elite.
If my assumption holds and the fueling stations planned between Colonia and the Bubble are at equidistant positions along the route, I should be pretty close to one of them. It'll be interesting to see when the connection is resolved just where - galactically speaking - those stations will be.