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Colonia it is.

06 Dec 2016NickTheGrey
In the end I decided to head for Colonia.

In recent months, this life has been all about exploring interesting systems and spending no more than a few minutes in the vast majority that make up the gulf between Bubbles. Since arriving back in Colonia just a few days ago, I visited a couple of stations and loaded up on missions for the various factions out here. Trade missions, mostly - this station needs x,y,z. That sort of thing. There have been a few offering millions to transport cargo back to Bubble 1.0 but they all expect delivery within a day. I'm not even sure 24 hours of non-stop flight would get me there in time.

I wish I could say for certain that this was the right choice but in all honesty I cannot. It's quiet out here. The Christmas Carriers Convoy is due to arrive on 2nd January 3303, I believe, at which point it should liven up a bit but until then I suspect it will be a case of getting to know where things are.

I've just heard that one of the ships that left the Bubble with the CCC actually arrived here yesterday, though he has plans to return to the Bubble and make the trip out again with the rest of the Convoy. Impressive but then he is driving an Anaconda.
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