Logbook entry


29 Feb 2016NickTheGrey
While making repairs to the ship's computer - and galley - following the Burnt Breakfast Incident a few days ago, I have found a large number of data blocks that appear to be related to the ship's AI. I've been offered AI upgrades several times while looking to buy new / replacement ships but I've always decided against them as an unnecessary indulgence. But out here, what the Hell, right?

It only took an hour or so to get the AI (who identified herself as VERITY) integrated into the ship's computer to a basic level. It was surprisingly easy to configure her for access to the ship's systems - a task made infinitely less taxing as her grasp and control over the ship's systems grew and she was able to effectively configure her own interface. It took another couple of hours or so but now she can control the engines, power distribution systems and the HUD. Navigation and actual piloting of the ship is still my own domain!

I have to admit to being surprised by my own enthusiasm and willingness to rely on VERITY. One of the first lessons you learn as a pilot is to respect the Chair. If you're in the Chair, it's your ship. If you're not in the Chair, you keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. An AI that can assume control of most (so far) of the ship's systems without pilot input pretty much overrules all that.

VERITY has been chatty so far which has provided an interesting break from listening to my own voice. A fair amount of AI interaction that has been built into VERITY deals with landing / docking / wing actions which are no good to me right now, given my distance from the Bubble.

A potential cause for concern was her brief and possibly "accidental" reference to a previously unknown space-faring race known as the Thargoids. Beyond her assurances that they are not something I should concern myself with, she remains stubbornly tight-lipped on the subject.
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