Logbook entry

An Accelerated Timetable.

28 Apr 2016NickTheGrey
The recent community goal for Bounty vouchers in the Phiagre system has taken up a lot of my flight time over the past week. It finished early around a day and a half or so ago and I was thankfully able to hang on to the 60% bracket for payment. With the rewards and the bounties themselves, this week I made nearly 20MCr. I stand to make just over another 2MCr when the Titanium goal finishes later today, assuming I can hold on to my ranking there.

That means the Python that I've had my eye on over in the Lembava system could be attainable in a matter of days instead of the weeks and months I had originally calculated.

Lembava is a Federation system so rather than run over there, ditch my Asp Explorer and buy a bare bones Python, my plan is to stay at Phiagre for the next eight hours or so, collect my reward when the Titanium goal ends and then head to Lembava to work on my Federation Auxiliary Navy rank. I'm currently a Midshipman with a 93% progress bar to the next rank so that should be easy enough to progress.

Combat and trade are both risky in a minimally converted ship so I'm seriously considering a fuel scoop, bigger fuel tank and some scanners and taking off for a few weeks to visit my growing list of exploration destinations.
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