Logbook entry

Tread Softly and Bring a Python.

29 Apr 2016NickTheGrey
Completing the Titanium delivery Goal in the Phiagre system yesterday earned me enough Cr to travel down to Lembava and pay for my Python. Wiser heads would perhaps have waited until I could also afford the Rebuy / insurance costs but the lure was too strong and I've gone ahead and bought it. I've upgraded a couple of the modules but quickly ran out of money for others...

I've also taken the ship out on a few missions that have paid surprisingly well. In just an hour I had made over 1MCr in profit and am now at 100% Midshipman rank with Naval Progression Missions appearing on the Bulletin Board. I've been in precisely one fight (an un-shielded Sidewinder?!) and also had my first look at an operational Federal Corvette that interdicted me en route to a delivery destination. Those are BIG ships!
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