Cmdr crudler
Wanderer / Trader
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Sidewinder Mk I CR-03S
Overall assets
The Fatherhood
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Many Hats (explicit)

28 Jul 2023crudler
Another run in the books.
Back and forth, there and back...lather, rinse, repeat.

Sometimes I don't know why I do it, because it definitely isn't for the creds. Well, I take that back...back in the day hauling plat was pretty damn lucrative, oh shit! and the painite, void O, and LTD boom when they started selling the tech to bust an asteroids nut. Man, that was pretty sweet. Drunk as fuck every night with a different 100k whore on my arm. All those snot nosed rookies looking at me like I was a god among men. Got my carrier a little after that, and a habit for living large and in fucking charge.

Then that market collapsed. Shit, you can't even buy a thrift store vulture with the garbage creds they're offering for cracked roids nowadays. Too much invested time for such little return. The miners stopped paying me to haul their shit and started doing it themselves. My carrier was just sitting out by the rings like a sore dick getting passed by, a relic of better times.

Started watching my cred balance nosedive week after week. Had to close the bar and let Miguel go, shutdown the black market, and kick out Boris and his shipyard. That one hurt, I liked Boris. He was loyal to a fault, ran a tight operation, and I let him down. I let alot of people down. No use crying over spilled space milk i suppose. Those days seem like an eon ago. I still got Rayanna, Paris, and Mari around keeping The Misfit running, so i guess i didn't let everyone down. Haven't bounced a paycheck for them yet. Yet.

I've made and lost fortunes more times than i can count. I dunno, maybe i'm just a bad businessman. I never became a ship commander for the wonderful world of clerical work and number crunching. I'm not even sure why i did anymore. Money, fame, and clout? or is it for the chicks and the party favors? Honestly I think I did it because theres no other job out there that would have a salty old bastard like me. I work for myself and even I hate my boss. Ha! That guy is a real shithead.

I just spent 2 days in 49 d Orionis hauling bauxite from Bell Station to The Misfit. God damn what a tedious way to make a credit. Back and forth, back and forth. I bet those guys at the Bell loading dock were glad to see my ugly ass finally leave. It wouldn't have been so bad if I got some decent parking. I mean, come the fuck on people. I'm working here, and you're just sitting in your carrier with your thumb up your ass taking up prime real estate a couple million klicks from the station. And here I am in my t9 snailing my way to and fro. Move the fuck on ya useless pricks. Oh well. 590 creds a ton for that shit. Not too shabby.

So here I am in Neto, just jumped into the system and lo and fucking behold all the real estate around Ising Vision is taken up by dickhead commanders not doing shit but pissing me off. Goddamnit. I'm parked 51 light seconds away. Hopefully some intrepid traders will come buy my shit and sell it. Ising is buying the crap for 28000, i'm selling it for 8000. Not too bad a profit if you think about the time invested. I'll give it a day or so then just do what I always do and finish the job myself. Fuck I'm not looking forward to that, hopefully someone takes the easy creds and gives me a few days off.

If this works out I might find Miguel and see if he wants to open the bar back up. Man, I miss the bar always hopping, people drinking and fighting. Blowing off steam and kicking the dust from their boots after a long, shitty day of living life out on the black ocean. If my bauxite sells I might take a little vacation to Medb and find his ass. Of course he's working at Vela Dock 12 billion light seconds from the star. ya know, fuck Miguel. He did that shit on purpose just to piss me off. Heh, just kidding Miggie. Hopefully I'll see ya soon with a boatload of creds and a bottle of Harma.

I'm watching the Galnet about this missing ship The Dickacunt or whatever it's called. Maybe I'll hop in Bubba and cruise out to LP 714-58 and find the vessel, solve the mystery and be a hero. Or maybe not. It all sounds like a serious headache if im being honest. Who gives a shit about some alien worshipping shitbags. Good riddance. I also see that those dipshits at Azimuth released thir shiny new Ax multi cannons, preengineeed claptrap...I heard they're pretty shitty, but then again what do I know. I actually delivered a few loads of Harma Silver Sea Rum to those foreskins for their little circlejerk convention, but jokes on those pricks because i delivered a few loads myself into a couple bottles. Thats for setting all this bullshit off. My own personal, petty revenge. Fuck you Azimuth.

I'll probably start doing this logbook thing more often, it's actually kind of nice. Like I have someone to talk to. Someone to hear my fucked up story. And I got alot of story in me, but I also got alot of unwritten shit as well. I've worn many hats in my day and seen more places and faces than most. I'm just down on my luck, I think. Maybe a little depressed...who knows. Now half the bubble is crawling with these alien pricks, attacking and taking over places faster than we can respond to. I lost alot of good friends to those shitsucking space succulents. I got a few AX vessels collecting dust in the bowels of The Misfit, might be high time to get back out there. Shits falling to pieces around us all, not just me.

Gonna cut it short and get some rack time, but I promise i'll be back at it. Maybe I'll regale you with my early days as a wet eared moron in my sidewinder, wide eyed and retarded. I found out the hard way that they're not giving out free Pythons at Hutton Orbital. fuck, i'll never live that one down. or how about the months I spent as a spacetaxi driver shuttling assholes back and forth from Robigo to Sothis to look at place you can't even land at. Sure, lets not build a station on this blue orb of paradise...find me a rocky shithole with a thin atmosphere that smells like deviled egg farts.

Anywhoo, like I said, many hats. Many hats indeed.

Have a good night
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