Logbook entry

1. CMDR Nostaw Alene, signing in

27 Nov 2015CMDR De La Fère
I was born in Kamito, between the Empire and the Federation. I spent the first 20 years of my existence there, then I moved to Achenar, where I enlisted with the Imperial Navy. They rejected me, on account me not having the right set of skills for them. Out of spite, I moved to the Federation, LHS 3447 to be exact. That's where I got my Pilots Federation License, as well as the standard sidewinder. That's when I realized what they meant when they said I didn't have "the right set of skills".

I still remember the first time I docked at a Coriolis. I mean, who doesn't? I lasted right up until the docking slot. I thought the explosion was rather spectacular, although looking back, it can't have been too big, I mean have you ever actually looked at how big a sidewinder is? Sure they look big when you're on the ground, but as soon as you're in space you realize they're hardly any bigger than a cargo canister. Talking about cargo, I got a few jobs hauling grain from one station to another. Might seem boring, but it was all the excitement I could handle back then!

It was on maybe my third run that I was interdicted for the first time. I was approaching the station and I thought I was going too fast, so I pulled the throttle back as hard as I could. That's when that punk tried to interdict me. "Throttle zero, submitting to interdiction". What? I don't want to submit! Whatever that means!

Whether I wanted or not, I soon found myself tumbling through real space. I checked what ship my aggressor was flying. An eagle. Great, it's like my Sidie but with better speed, better weapons, better maneuverability, better armour... Is there anything that isn't better? Well at least that idiot didn't fit any shields!

The dogfight lasted awhile, neither of us doing much damage. Eventually he exploded, his fault for not fitting shields! See you next time, stupid!

When I arrived at Dalton Gateway, I noticed a particularly well paying mission to haul a few narcotics to a neighbour system. What they... forgot to mention was that the narcotics just happened to be illegal where I was taking them! Oh well, I've seen holovids on this. Turn on silent running... check! Lign up with the docking slot... check! Don't get scanned... What's that I hear? Ship scan detected? BOOST, you silly load of crap! The timer is counting down. 10 seconds to fine, 9,8,7,6,,5,4,3,2,1...

YES! I made it! I'm a pro! A frickin' pro, I tell you! Warning! 100 Credit fine gained: blockage of landing bay. Aw, come on, I was doing fine! Ah well, the mission should pay for that.

Turns out I had earned enough to upgrade from this crappy ship. It seemed like my options were an eagle, or a ZPG Hauler. Well, since I'm doing mostly trucking anyway, might as well go with the Hauler... God, this thing is ugly! On second thoughts, I'll take that eagle!
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